Friday, June 10, 2005

And the Nominees are...

Such a difficult thing to do. To select from the dazzling array of blogs out there a small inconsequential roll of honour to be displayed in the shop window of my own front page. So many, how was I supposed to choose?
I suppose it depends on what I believe they represent. Are they a shortcut system serving primarily as a quick access point to the sites I read the most. Or am I making a statement of some sort?
Is it a kind of reward, blogs noted as models of excellence to which other bloggers of more mundane sites should aspire? Though all selections based on this are I suppose subjective and one person's perception of drab mundanity may well be another's shining beacon of creativity. Is it about reciprocity - I'll stick it up despite its being nothing special as it is more likely to link back? Or is about little communities of like-minders - this is a gang I think I can get into - they speeka my lingo, here is my application form - "hi (blogroll constructed equates to frantic waving) look at me, can I join in? Can I play?" I don't know, but there it is, a work in progress: a snap shot of my current favourites probably best describes it.

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