Wednesday, February 08, 2006

More Tentative Steps

I always thought that I could blog for England given time. Spending time at home with a damaged foot should have given me an embarras de richesse of time, and enabled me to churn out numerous blogs of inordinate length. It hasn't. Finding myself with so much time, blogging has had to compete with all the other things that don't get done when coping with a life sucked almost dry by a time-mugging career.

I have become remarkably adroit at decorating for example. Only having one fully functioning foot hasn't stopped me from reaquainting myself with wallpaper and paste. All the old anxieties remain however: whether to use scissors or a blade, paste wall, paper, or both. Cut to size first when it's dry and manageable, trusting measurements, eye, ability to estimate, all of which known to be, in me at least, all too fallible; or trim and shape once it's up with the riskiness of cut, size and shape reduced, but replaced with a fear of imprecise slicings and cuttings through the damp stickiness of the pasted paper. But the foot thing is forgotten about during the interior debates about how best to tackle the interior design, and I can still do it.

Anything involving squatting at one end, or ladder climbing at the other, gives the tenderly fragile, newly connecting, weakly jointed metatarsel a little painful stress, but it's improving. And it needs to be tested. Given a work out. Pushed a little.

you cannot always blog "just like that"! sometimes I can think of things I want to blog about but it takes me days to blog about it!
I have to think very carefully before I do blog,I don't wish to offend anyone,and somtimes you need to find out dates,times etc.
keep up with blogging,all the best.
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